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Chinese translation for "effective group"


Related Translations:
effective address:  计算机有效地址有效地址
effective evapotanspiration:  有效蒸散发
effective impulse:  有效冲量有效脉冲
effective tariff:  实际关税税率有效关税
volume effective:  卷辑骚日期卷辑生效日期
effective turns:  有效匝数
effective depth:  有效板厚有效高度有效深度有效水深
effective instruction:  有效指令
effective agent:  有效药剂
effective component:  有效成分有效成份
Example Sentences:
1.Projection techniques comprise an effective group to recreate multidimensionality from individual projections through the original object
2.An effective group leader tries to balance these contributions to encourage extroverts to say less and introverts to say more
一名有效的团队领导尽力使各人的贡献达到平衡? ?鼓励话多者少言,话少者多言。
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